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UK-USA: How policy decisions affect public health


By Christos Stefos

It’s very important to say that PM of England Borris Johnson, has chosen to follow a different approach in the coronavirus health crisis. The so-called herd immunity is a theory that epidemiologists know well. For instance, this phenomenon says that if the virus keeps spreading in a big number of people, more and more of them will be infected and if they survive, they will become immune as the germ will find it harder to find a susceptible host. Doctors say that this is the final approach for a country’s health policy to stop such a pandemic crisis. PM of England failed to follow this policy and now infected by coronavirus must stay in the presidential house under the doctor's medical advice. This policy decision is thought to have adversely affected the whole public health system, taking into consideration that the country's confirmed coronavirus cases are almost 22.141 with 1.401 ( deaths in a very small period.

On the other hand, President Donald Trump has chosen to calm down all US citizens with a sarcastic tone. In February, Trump said the virus could “maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.” He predicted it is “going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle – it will disappear.” (The Guardian, 2020). But when he realized that the virus would not disappear, he chose to take strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Today the total confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US are almost 159.689, with 2.951 deaths (

To sum up, in this small article we want to emphasize how public policies and policy decisions could minimize or maximize the effects of a health crisis. The case of Greece is one of the top paradigms right now and Greek citizens must be proud of their country in dealing with this pandemic situation.


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